Proverbs 19:21
Our trip home to the States started off a little rocky, but we clearly saw the Lord's purpose could not be thwarted! While leaving Lima on an early morning flight, we ran into a problem in Immigrations. We arrived at the airport at 5:30am. We checked our bags and got our boarding passes. Don and Caleb were with us to see Hannah off. As we approached security, Jan asked Don if he would stay at Starbucks in the airport for one hour. Jan was concerned about legal issues regarding traveling with Hannah as she is under 18 years of age. We proceeded through security and then onto Immigrations. Stan and Jan were processed through quickly; but as the Immigration officer scanned Hannah's documents, we quickly realized there was a problem. The officer asked where Hannah's papa was. Jan explained that he was in the airport. We could go get him. No, he stated that he needed permission for Hannah to fly with us. Jan gave the officer a notarized document from Stacey giving permission. The officer said that he needed a document from Don also. Jan again stated that Don was in the airport. The officer went around to each Immigration officer asking what could be done. NO was the answer he received from each one. At that point we were not hopeful. The officer took us to the other side of the room and told us to wait there. He consulted with someone in a side office and then left. He was gone for over 30 minutes! You can imagine the scenario going through our minds. But back he comes and he gestures for us to follow him back to his station. He lays a paper on the desk. Hannah realized that it was the notarized document from Stacey, and at the bottom, she recognized Don's signature and his resident visa number! The officer explained that he had gone out to Starbucks and found Don who explained the entire situation; the officer had Don write his permission and sign. The officer explained that since Hannah now is a legal resident of Peru, she now exits the country as such and falls under the legal jurisdiction of Peru. He was going to let her go this time. We thanked him for going over and beyond his duty. We clearly saw that our God is in control and His purposes will stand!
We were incredibly blessed, encouraged, and refreshed from our time in the US. We are grateful for our friends, family, and church. Thank you to all who took such good care of us.
Aldea Infantil Orphanage
Refugio is blessed to be able to minister at this state-run orphanage. After many months of prayer, the Lord has made a way for us to be able to serve the children and staff on a regular basis. Two Friday afternoons a month we catch a combi (bus) and make our way to Cajamarca where we get to love the children from 2:30pm to 5:00pm. We start each day outside playing and then move inside and are teaching a Bible lesson, using puppet skits to reinforce the lesson, a craft, games, and a snack. Please join us in prayer for this ministry. Currently the state of Cajamarca is in the process of deciding whether to remodel or close the orphanage. We know how the Lord feels about children; please pray that the officials will decide that these children are precious and need a safe, clean place to grow and prosper and learn how much our Lord loves and cares for them.
"but Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 19:14
We are excited for this next season of ministry here in Baños del Inca and Cajamarca. Our English class continues to draw people into the church and is a blessing to our community and to us. We are looking forward to the Youth Group from Calvary Chapel Sonora coming in June. This is a group of about 40 youth and their adult leaders. Please pray for safe travel for this group and that the Lord will move in their hearts for His purposes as they serve Him here in Peru. Please pray also for a new opportunity that we are exploring and seeking the Lord's guidance for. We would like to be able to minister to the local Baños del Inca primary school children once or twice a month. The public schools here in Peru are very open to this type of ministry. Join us in prayer as we go forward.