Our hearts are rejoicing as we thank the Lord for the birth of our 6th grandchild. Arianna Betty Petrik was born on June 25 at 3:14 pm. She is "Itty Bitty" as her mommy and daddy call her (4.2 lbs and 17 inches). Please join us in prayer; that the Lord would have her grow and thrive.
Jan is now an official resident of Peru. We went to Lima in late June and picked up her carnet. So blessed and happy to have this done now. Nicole was in Lima preparing for Arianna's arrival when we went down and because the baby needed to be born and the doctor would be inducing, Ryan came down also. We all laughed and asked the question: how can all four adult Petriks be in Lima and all three children are home in BaƱos? Thankful for Mariel Huanay Figueroa and Deborah Troncoso who took good care of the ninos. Mariel and Deborah are living with our family through July, ministering with us here and we have so enjoyed getting to know these young women. Ryan, Nicole and Arianna will be returning home on July 21. We are so looking forward to holding baby Arianna.
We are counting the weeks now until the Brower Family joins us. Six more weeks and they will arrive in Lima. Our household will grow to include 6 adults, 6 children and 3 dogs! Never a dull moment! We are looking ahead to what the Lord has in store and humbled to be a part of His work here.
We continue to unpack the boxes from our crate. Our puppets have been unpacked and we had our first puppet show at PorCon with 25 children. Stan will be building a portable stage that can be packed and carried to Matara, Carhauquero and others. Thank you Calvary Chapel Santa Cruz for providing this great tool!
Please continue to join us in prayer for the Lord's leading in our ministry, health, language, and that our church family at Refugio will grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.